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Employee Spotlight: Steven Adams

Adams headshot

Employee Spotlights

Job Title: Business Service Specialist
Location: Roanoke Branch
Tenure: 3 years
Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I participated in 4-H when I was growing up. It taught me a lot of valuable lessons, not only about farming and livestock, but also the value of hard work and team work.
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I worked on a farm in my teenage years. The school bus would drop me off there after school, and I was responsible for several duties throughout the week. My mom would pick me up just in time to eat dinner, shower and do my homework before bedtime. I learned that not just anyone can be a lifetime farmer. It definitely takes a special, dedicated type of person.
Has anyone in particular in your family had a significant impact on you? My Dad has had the most significant impact on my life. He taught me the importance of having God at the center of your life, working hard and serving others. "Servanthood," he said, "is the ultimate gift you can give." I was privileged to witness this throughout my life and watch as he changed many people's lives.
What is your favorite childhood memory? We used to shut down an entire street in the neighborhood so we could sleigh ride. Practically the whole neighborhood would show up with hot chocolate, treats and someone would build a fire. The adults would sing and play guitars and banjos. This went on way past midnight!
What is your favorite book? For entertainment, my favorite series is The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Overall, my favorite book is On the Anvil by Max Lucado. 
What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is Secondhand Lions. 
What is your favorite season? I absolutely love fall, especially living in the Blue Ridge Mountains. 

fall blue ridge mtn

Tell us about your hobbies. I enjoy working with plants, playing golf and crafting. 
Have you ever collected anything? I have collected baseball and football cards since I was six, and I’ve collected stamps since I was sixteen. I still have all of them. 
What was your first job? My first job was at Martins Farm in Roanoke County. 
What is your favorite aspect of your job? I would say that my favorite aspect is interacting with our customers. I take pride in the relationships I have built with them. They know they can count on me being there for them, and I take a genuine interest in their lives. 
What are your favorite weekend activities? I love to take in local music and spend time with family. 
What is your biggest claim to fame? My nephew is an Olympic gold medalist on the U.S. Men’s Swim Team!
How do you define success? Success is measured by how well you do your appointed job daily. If you know you’ve given your job and your life 100% for that day, then it was a success. If you treated everyone who crossed your path that day with dignity and respect, it was a success. And finally, when your head hits the pillow at night, if you search yourself and know that you gave that day 100% in all areas, thank God, for it was a success. 

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